Mathematical and electrical tools, calculators, and references
Open in Conversation (Thunderbird add-on)
Thunderbird add-on to make the default message list action "Open Message in Conversation"
Copy URL With Hash (Firefox add-on)
Firefox add-on that enables copying the URL of a page with a hash at the end that identifies the location of the corresponding section of the page

Recent Projects

PyProvide (Python; 2017)
Barebones dependency injection for Python 3.5+, based on type hints
GradeFast (Python, JavaScript; 2015-2017)
Python program with a web-based (React) UI for semi-automated grading of programming assignments
Present (C/C++, 2016)
C and C++ library for handling dates, times, and durations in a sane way
SerGIS Project (Node.js; 2015)
Platform for GIS-based games that focus on enhancing spatial thinking skills or disaster management training (group effort)

Contact Me

Contact me at: jake [AT] hartz [DOT] io